
Interwise Connect™

We’re changing how enterprises buy and use conferencing. Traditional voice, Web and video conferencing tools are too expensive and too limited to meet company-wide needs. Interwise Connect changes that with a highly-scalable native IP software architecture, centralized management, efficient network performance and a full breadth of communication and collaboration features—all for a fixed price with unlimited usage. Interwise Connect turns conferencing into an integral workplace application that is used internally by executives, employees and teams as well as externally with customers, partners and suppliers.

Only Interwise Connect delivers unlimited voice, Web and video conferencing for the enterprise. Designed for the unique needs of mid-to large- sized enterprises, our industry-leading technology and unique fixed price / unlimited usage pricing model transform conferencing into a company-wide core business application like E-mail, while cutting traditional conferencing costs in half. With Interwise Connect, you can consolidate multiple conferencing tools with one product and give every business group what they need--voice conferences, Web meetings, virtual training, Webcasts, broadcasts and recordings.

Why are leading organizations deploying Interwise Connect company-wide?
Because they want to give the cost savings and business productivity benefits of unlimited conferencing and collaboration to every employee in the organization--and only Interwise Connect combines the technology and the economics to make that possible.

Interwise Connect™

Give everyone in your organization unlimited conferencing for half of what you are paying today. Interwise Connect transforms voice, Web and video conferencing into a company-wide core business application that you can give to everyone, like E-mail.


Designed for the unique needs of mid- to large-sized enterprises in the areas of scalability, performance, bandwidth management, security, integration, deployment and administration.


Meet the business requirements of every department across your entire organization with six conferencing tools in a single product.


Take advantage of our rich integration capability to leverage your own existing management, security, and network and telephony infrastructure and to conference-enable your business applications.


Cut your conferencing costs in half. Consolidate multiple tools in one product. Drive innovation. Give the cost savings and productivity gains of conferencing to everyone in your company, not just a few.


Choose from the most deployment options of any product today: On site, hosted, managed service, and our unique “blended on site / hosted” model.