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Always Look Down

Adjust the monitor height so that the top of the screen is at or slightly below eye level. Your eyes should look slightly downward when viewing the middle of the screen. Learn more

New Ergonomic Standards

A new National Ergonomics Standard for Furniture has recently been released: ANSI / Human Factor Engineering of Computer Workstations 100-2007.

Click here to learn more.


Our Leadership Team

Barry Carson- President

Born and raised in Colorado, Barry is the senior operations, product development and business director of the company.  Barry, attended Trinity University in Texas, whereupon graduation he helped found Xybix in 1991. Barry’s product design leadership has led to the development and securing of several patents. Barry gives back to his community as a member of the National Ski Patrol.

David Carson- VP of Marketing

Dave Carson brings 30 years of furniture industry management and experience.  Dave’s innate knowledge of the need for improved ergonomics and adjustable height workstations 15 years ago drove him to co-found Xybix. As a member of the ergonomic review committee for the new ANSI ergonomic standard, Dave is an industry leader in translating ergonomic standards into proven solutions.

Kenneth Carson- VP Sales

Since joining Xybix in 1992, Ken has played a role in every major customer implementation.  As VP of sales, Ken leads the training and development of Xybix’s team members, as well as overseeing the quotation and bid process.  Ken’s commitment to knowledgeable, responsive, and proactive support has helped propel the company into new markets and new solutions, and given the customers’ voice a key role in the product development and solution delivery processes at Xybix.  Like Barry, Ken is a member of the National Ski Patrol.

Kelley Smith- National Installation Manager

After managing a Xybix implementation as a client, Kelly joined Xybix full time.  Kelley’s 15 years of comm. Center knowledge enable him to lead all Xybix customer installations with a keen sense of understanding for the customer environment as well as the Xybix system.

Kelley is also an accomplished, competitive Team Roper at rodeos.