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Xybix Announces the new CableRound-Up

Littleton, CO — March 10th 2008

Xybix Systems Inc, a designer of highly
customized, height adjustable ergonomic workspaces, today announced that they have created a new product CableRound-Up. Allows users to easily keep cables neat and organized behind the monitor array, under the work surface, in a cabinet or wherever there may be cords. CableRound-Up is a simple accessory that can be attached almost anywhere that allows one to organize excess cables without complex or costly installation.

“Cables only come in two lengths: too short and too long. Finally, Xybix has solved the problem with CableRound-Up. Organize excess cabling in seconds by looping them around CableRound-Up and cable organization can be a reality.”

Xybix Executive Provides Producer Perspective for New ANSI/HFES 100-2007 National Ergonomic Standard

Littleton, CO — February 26th 2008

Xybix founder and senior executive, David Carson, participated in the design and development of the recently approved American National Standards Institute (ANSI) revision of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) original ergonomic standard ANSI/HFS 100-1988.

The new American National Standard will be designated ANSI/HFES 100-2007, Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations. The formal announcement was published in Standards Action on November 16, 2007.  

Design and development leadership was called upon from many fields including the manufacturers, of which Mr. Carson was one of three participating members.  Worldwide HFES membership includes 4500+ Scientists, designers, psychologists and engineers, all of whom have a common interest in designing systems and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them. Xybix Systems Inc, a designer of highly customized, height adjustable ergonomic workspaces, announced that David Carson, CEO, was a member of the Canvass Committee for Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations ANSI/HFES 100 -2007, representing producers of high performance ergonomic equipment.

The new standard addresses changes in the workstation and computer design.

“The number and types of input devices have increased to include computer mice and other pointing devices, and the displays chapter has been expanded to cover color devices,” explains the HFES.org website.  “The furniture chapter now provides four working postures for reference by designers which reflects the dynamic nature of computer workplaces.  Additionally, it seeks to correct the misunderstanding that the 90º posture used in ANSI/HFS 100-1988 was "the" correct working posture. Finally, the integration chapter offers guidance regarding how individual elements that are ergonomically well designed can be integrated into a workplace system that is also ergonomically appropriate,” the site adds.

More than 50 individuals, including David Carson participated in the revision committee’s work over a 20-year period. Since the early days of development, numerous small working groups including the producers have made many contributions to the standard's organization and content.

“We are proud to have played a role in the development of this standard,” says David Carson.  “We are excited that our products meet 100% of the specifications outlined in this standard.  It is our firm belief that standards like this set the proper benchmark for the wellness and health of critical workers.”


Xybix Introduces RollerVision with QuickStack

Enables Dispatch First Responders to Get in the Zone and Stay There

As NextGen systems are being deployed and other internet-based technologies make their way into the Dispatch environment, today’s Dispatch first responders must stay focused on an ever-increasing number of applications.  To accommodate this, more monitors are often required. 

Xybix Systems Inc, a designer of highly customized, height adjustable ergonomic workspaces for dispatch and other mission critical environments, created a solution that allows end users to view multiple, stacked monitors while seated or standing with the optimal focal depth for each individual.  The new system, RollerVision with QuickStack, is part of the entire Xybix system which is the only system in the industry designed exclusively to the standards set forth in the recently announced ANSI/HFES 100-2007 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations.

RollerVision with QuickStack allows users to reconfigure quantities and sizes of monitors to meet changing needs on the fly without compromising ergonomic benefits or costly installation.

“As more technology enters the 24 hour dispatch center, dispatchers are required to watch over these new systems and services and maintain their alertness”, said Barry Carson, President, Xybix.  “RollerVision with QuickStack is a cost-effective solution that allows agencies to add or subtract monitors as needs change, while maintaining good ergonomics that reduce fatigue and strain for their mission critical first responders.”

The new RollerVision with QuickStack solution is comprised of stack-on bars which allow monitors to be added to the workstation atop one another while maintaining ergonomically correct positioning for better health and performance. 

Working as part of the entire RollerVision solution, dispatch first responders set monitors to the optimal focal depth based on their height and reach, for maximum visibility and minimal strain.  As Xybix’s height adjustable tables are raised or lowered for each worker using the dispatch work center, RollerVision enables the monitor’s depth to change as well, ensuring each worker at that station has the optimal health benefits.

For more information about Xybix’s height adjustable, ergonomic solutions including RollerVision with QuickStack, contact us.