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Design Your Center with Ergonomic Standards

Download XYBIX’s unbiased guide to planning your new PSAP based on HFES – Human Factors Ergonomic Society Guidelines. Click Here.

New Ergonomic Standards

A new National Ergonomics Standard for Furniture has recently been released: ANSI / Human Factor Engineering of Computer Workstations 100-2007.

Click here to learn more.


The X Factor: Form. Function. Health. Performance.

Whether seated or standing, Xybix’s ErgoPower systems put everything within Reach – proper reach zone, correct focal depth to monitors, expansive knee clearance, and easy access to power and network outlets.

Xybix manufactures exclusively to the new National Ergonomic Standard, ANSI/HFES 100-2007 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations.  By designing to the widest range of user sizes from 5th percentile seated female to 95th percentile standing male, Xybix sets the bar for ergonomic adjustability.

Dispatch furniture must fit everybody-

An adequate adjustment range to fit a WIDE RANGE of people is essential to the proper function of any product which claims to be ergonomically designed.

Xybix considers it prudent to base our product design criteria, as well as recommendations to our clients, on the National ANSI/HFES 100-2007 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations guidelines. ANSI/HFES 100 represents the highest level of expertise, the lowest potential for conflicts of interest and is the most current ergonomic standard in the world at this point in time.

Good ergonomic design, worldwide, seeks to properly fit at least 90% of the potential user base. Standard design criteria dictates that the product be designed to fit a range of sizes from the 5th percentile seated female to the 95th percentile standing male – anything else is POOR ERGONOMIC DESIGN which shortchanges both the users and the agency.

Ease of Use - Effortless Adjustment

Your dispatch workstation should be EASY TO USE and should also adjust to your personal MOST COMFORTABLE working position – either sitting or standing.

Here are a few basic guidelines that will help you make an educated decision when choosing the best 9-1-1 Dispatch Console:

  • EASY TO USE – should require little or no training and NO physical effort to adjust.
  • MOST COMFORTABLE working position means stress free postures proven to enhance productivity and comfort.

Ergonomic standards establish positions proven to increase comfort, productivity, and reduce the probability of repetitive motion injuries. Responsible manufacturers design products that meet or exceed these standards. Products that meet these standards give the purchaser assurance that the product they are buying will not hinder the performance or adversely affect the health of their people.

Xybix has written a guide that will help you plan your new or updated communications’ center based onNational ANSI/HFES 100-2007 Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations Guidelines. You can download it here.