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Design Your Center with Ergonomic Standards

Download XYBIX’s unbiased guide to planning your new PSAP based on HFES – Human Factors Ergonomic Society Guidelines. Click Here.

New Ergonomic Standards

A new National Ergonomics Standard for Furniture has recently been released: ANSI / Human Factor Engineering of Computer Workstations 100-2007.

Click here to learn more.


Standards Compliance

Knowledge and Integrity Combined

The benchmark standard for workstation furniture performance is established by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. HFES, an independent third party professional association, has published the American National Standard for Human Factors Engineering of Computer Workstations.  HFES represents the highest level of expertise and the lowest potential for conflicts of interest.

Xybix is the only manufacture that meets or exceeds every requirement of design in the HFES guidelines for ergonomic workstations. This high level of knowledge, quality and integrity in their design is just one of the reason’s Xybix is the industry leader.   

Monitor Height Positioning

A 15° to 20° downward view angle from horizontal eye level to the center of the monitor screen is recommended to minimize neck, shoulder, and back problems. Monitors above horizontal eye level should be avoided.

Input Surface Positioning

The input surface should be adjustable from the 5th percentile seated female elbow height to the 95th percentile standing male elbow height, in order to ahcieve a natural arm and shoulder positioning and neutral wrist alignment.

Monitor Placement

Monitors should be placed in a manner which attempts to achieve equal focal lengths to lessen the need to re-focus when looking from screen to screen. A horizontal view angle as close to perpendicular to the screen as possible will minimize distortion and reflection.

Monitor Focal Length Adjustment

All monitors should be able to be adjusted fore and aft simultaneously - approximately 12" to meet individual visual requirements.